Implementing The SQF Quality Code – 1 Day Course

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Course Description

In 2018, SQFI introduced the SQF Quality Code as part of the edition 8 suite of SQF standards. The SQF Quality Code incorporates the quality management principles necessary to achieve customer requirements and continuously improve quality and productivity. This one-day course is ideal for those already familiar with quality management principles, such as SQF quality practitioners or SQF quality auditors, but who need to understand how to apply quality tools in the implementation of the SQF Quality Code. The course will address the impact of quality parameters on the site’s product and operation, assist sites in understanding how the SQF Quality Code aligns with food safety and allow learners to apply quality tools and techniques to implementation of the SQF Quality Code.


Candidates must have successfully completed a HACCP training course meeting the SQFI definition, and either Implementing SQF Systems training or Auditing SQF Systems/Lead SQF Auditor training.

Course Objectives

This course will help learners to:

  • Explain the product quality parameters within the food industry sector or site;
  • Apply the HACCP method to identify significant quality threats and how to monitor and control them;
  • Understand the use and application of quality measurement tools; and
  • Apply the PDCA cycle to improve quality outcomes.